Finnish Pedagogy.


Highly Trained Finnish Teachers

All of our tutors have a Masters of Education degree from Finland or are studying towards one. We are therefore happy to guarantee that the quality of our online tutoring is based on solid expertise. Many wonder about Finland’s success in the international comparisons of educational systems. There are many reasons for it, but one of them surely is that Finnish teachers are highly trained. They are given freedom to choose their working methods in their class, which results in extremely responsible, motivated and driven educators.


Learning By Doing

In our online private tutoring sessions we want to engage and motivate students by by connecting learning objectives to real life situations. This enables us to teach through tasks where students get to be creative and engage in learning hands-on. The nature of these tasks vary according to age, but we strongly believe that even adults learn best when they play a game or build something.


Student Is In the Center

In the Finnish education system the child always comes first. We are more interested in the individual learning path than standardized tests. All human beings are different, so why should we try to fit everyone in the same mold? The starting point of our online tutoring is to get to know each client as well as possible so we can support not only academic growth but the overall physical, emotional, social and psychological development of each child.

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21st Century Skills In Focus

In addition to helping students with whatever they are currently struggling with, we believe we can also support them in their path towards becoming better learners. You also have the option to choose the tutoring to focus on this completely. We have a product that helps any student to brush up on their organisational skills, thinking skills, self-assessment, reflection and process thinking.


The Technology

A major part of the 21st century skills is the ability to navigate one’s way through the maze of ever emerging new technology. Online private tutoring gives a great opportunity for students to work on these skills in a natural way. Our online tutoring sessions are held in Zoom meetings. We also use many different state of the art applications to make the experience as smooth as possible. Some examples include Eduten for math, GraphoGame and Readtheory for English